Pablo Muruaga Herrero was awarded the ninth Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Award for his article “Tournez-moi le dos!” La protección jurídica de las obras gastronómicas.
The panel, headed by Daniel Proença, was also composed of Encarnación Roca Trías, Miguel Satrústegui Gil-Delgado, José Massaguer Fuentes and Luis Fernando Macías Gómez. Agustín González García acted as secretary.
The winning article will be published in the 2023 Ibero-American Art Law Yearbook.
The panel of the Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Award met on 10 February 2022 at the headquarters of the Professor Uría Foundation and unanimously agreed there would be no winner of the eighth edition of the award.
The panel, headed by Daniel Proença, was also composed of Encarnación Roca Trías, Miguel Satrústegui Gil-Delgado, Juan Cadarso Palau, and Juan E. Cambiaso. Agustín González García acted as secretary.
Paula de Castro Silveira was awarded the seventh Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Award for her article ARTE(FICIAL): Obras criadas por Inteligência Artificial e seus impactos no conceito de obra de arte e de direitos de autor.
The panel, headed by Daniel Proença, was also composed of Encarnación Roca Trías, Miguel Satrústegui Gil-Delgado, Juan Cadarso Palau, and Juan E. Cambiaso. Agustín González García acted as secretary.
The 2021 Ibero-American Art Law Yearbook, edited by the Professor Uría Foundation/Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, includes the winning article, five other articles the panel shortlisted, and a final article the Yearbook Secretariat received and approved for publication.
The panel of the Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Award met on 11 February 2020 at the headquarters of the Professor Uría Foundation and unanimously agreed there would be no winner of the sixth edition of the award.
The panel, headed by Daniel Proença, was also composed of Encarnación Roca Trías, Miguel Satrústegui Gil-Delgado, Juan Cadarso Palau, and Juan E. Cambiaso. Agustín González García acted as secretary.
Yolanda Bergel Sainz de Baranda was awarded the fifth Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Award for her article La exportación de obras de arte. Régimen jurídico y criterios para decidir sobre la concesión del permiso de exportación. Una propuesta de lege ferenda.
The panel, headed by Daniel Proença, was also composed of Encarnación Roca Trías, Miguel Satrústegui Gil-Delgado, Juan Cadarso Palau, and Juan E. Cambiaso. Agustín González García acted as secretary.
The 2019 Ibero-American Art Law Yearbook, edited by the Professor Uría Foundation/Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, includes the winning article and other articles the panel shortlisted.
Fernando José Alcantarilla Hidalgo was awarded the fourth Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Award for his work Insurgencia y contenidos ofensivos: sobre los límites del arte.
The panel, headed by Daniel Proença, was also composed of Encarnación Roca Trías, Miguel Satrústegui Gil-Delgado, Juan Cadarso Palau and Juan E. Cambiaso. Agustín González García acted as secretary.
The 2018 Ibero-American Art Law Yearbook, edited by the Professor Uría Foundation/Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, includes the winning article, the second-placed article and other articles the panel shortlisted.
Antoni Rubí Puig was awarded the third Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Award for his work La espada de Judith. Fenómenos de copia y estándares para la evaluación judicial de su licitud en el derecho de autor y el derecho del arte.
The panel, headed by Daniel Proença, was also composed of Encarnación Roca Trías, Miguel Satrústegui Gil-Delgado, Juan Cadarso Palau, and Juan E. Cambiaso. Agustín González García acted as secretary.
The 2017 Ibero-American Art Law Yearbook, edited by the Professor Uría Foundation/Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, includes the winning article and other articles the panel shortlisted.
Juan Javier Negri won the second Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Award for his work La puerta de Banksy (el error en la compraventa de obras de arte).
The panel, headed by Daniel Proença, was also composed of Encarnación Roca Trías, Miguel Satrústegui Gil-Delgado, Juan Cadarso Palau, and Juan E. Cambiaso. Agustín González García acted as secretary.
The 2016 Ibero-American Art Law Yearbook, edited by the Professor Uría Foundation/Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, includes the winning article and other articles the panel shortlisted.
The article that won the first Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Award was Rafael Sánchez Aristi’s work La propiedad trenzada. El juego de lo material y lo inmaterial en las obras de arte.
The panel, headed by Daniel Proença, was also composed of Encarnación Roca Trías, Miguel Satrústegui Gil-Delgado, Juan Cadarso Palau, and Juan E. Cambiaso. Agustín González García acted as secretary.
The winning article and seven other articles the panel shortlisted were published in the 2015 Ibero-American Art Law Yearbook, edited by the Professor Uría Foundation/Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi.