
Code of Conduct

The Foundation’s Board of Trustees has approved a Code of Conduct which must be followed by all members of the Foundation, including its governing bodies, management team and other employees. All volunteers who take part in the Foundation’s projects and activities must abide by the Code of Conduct, which beneficiary entities, collaborators and donors must also take into account.

Annual report

The annual report identifies the main activities carried out and the number of beneficiaries, along with our partner institutions and companies during the year.

Awards and honours

Uría Menéndez recibe el reconocimiento de mejor iniciativa pro bono en los Premios Expansión Jurídico 2024. El galardón concedido reconoce el trabajo realizado por un amplio equipo del despacho, liderado por José Alberto Navarro e impulsado por la Fundación Profesor Uría, que ha logrado asegurar la protección de la vida de colaboradores afganos de la misión de España en Afganistán y de sus familias.

Awards and honours

In September 2023, the Ministry of the Interior, through the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions and at the request of the Soto del Real correctional facility in Madrid, awarded the Professor Uría Foundation the Silver Medal for Social Work in Prisons for its Law Talks at Prisons programme that it has been running since 2005.

The Professor Uría Foundation collaborated in the project that won Uría Menéndez the award for most innovative firm in Supporting Refugees and Migrants, in the Financial Times 2023 edition of the FT Innovative Lawyers Awards. The award was given for the pro bono advice that culminated in judicial recognition of the Spanish citizenship of a stateless minor as a remedy for the violation of her human rights. This project is the result of a collaboration with the Ödos Programme.

The Expansión Jurídico Award for Best Pro Bono Initiative of 2023 was awarded to the work carried out by a large team at Uría Menéndez, led by José Alberto Navarro and with the collaboration of the Professor Uría Foundation. This team managed to obtain Spanish citizenship for a stateless minor as a remedy for the violation of her human rights. This project is the result of a collaboration with the Ödos Programme.

As part of the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the Fundación Emet Arco Iris, in June 2023 it recognised the Professor Uría Foundation for our volunteeers’ work providing legal advice to the Ödos Programme. A long-term and strategic relationship has been set up with the programme, to seek protection of the rights of the migrant women and children it accommodates. 

The Professor Uría Foundation collaborated in the project that received the Innovation and Social Justice award jointly with Uría Menéndez in the FT Innovative Lawyers Awards 2021. The award was for pro bono advice provided in connection with the demise of a young woman from the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros (CIE) in Madrid in 2011, which enabled her family to secure an acceptance by the State of its liability for the death in November 2020.

In 2020, the Spanish Committee for Refugee Aid (CEAR) named the Professor Uría Foundation a “refuge organisation” in recognition of our volunteers’ work in protecting the fundamental rights of asylum seekers in Ceuta and Melilla.

The Professor Uría Foundation was part of the team, led by Uría Menéndez, that was recognised by the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards 2020 for pro bono advice for the Ödos Programme, a network of organisations striving to provide comprehensive care and assistance to vulnerable women and their children who make it to Spain in small unseaworthy boats.

The pro bono work of all Uría Menéndez offices, coordinated by the Professor Uría Foundation, was awarded TrustLaw Domestic Law Firm of the Year Award 2019. One of the matters highlighted was the advice given to FEDER (Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras), which involved a legal analysis of how to homogenise access to treatment for patients with rare diseases across autonomous regions.

The charity concert Rock & Law, of which the Professor Uría Foundation is a sponsor, was awarded the 2017 CRIS Prize for the community initiative category, in recognition of its support for research into childhood cancer.

The ASEM Federation granted the Professor Uría Foundation one of its ASEM 2015 Awards in recognition of its solidarity with the ASEM movement and its contribution towards improving the quality of life of those living with neuromuscular conditions. The presentation of the award took place in Vigo on 24 October at the closing of the 30th ASEM Congress.


The Professor Uría Foundation was awarded the Citizen Award 2014 "in recognition of its commitment to and supporting of its educational work in public schools, prisons, immigration centres and employment centres, with the aim that the law be perceived and respected as an instrument for peaceful coexistence.”