The Foundation views education and training as drivers of social emancipation and the personal development of both individuals and groups.
We have designed a series of educational and training programmes, aimed at the most vulnerable groups in our society, that use knowledge of the law and other areas to promote coexistence, integration, and foster equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
The Community Law School was set up by the Foundation to educate pupils in public primary and secondary schools on how the law promotes coexistence, integration and peaceful ways to resolve disputes.
The programme complements the contents of the educational curriculum with a practical perspective (taught by practising lawyers), presenting the law as an instrument for helping our children grow as democratic citizens who are aware of their rights and obligations, seeking to build a more just and caring society.
The programme, aimed at primary school students in years five and six (10 and 11 years old) and secondary school students in years one and two (12 and 13 years old), is taught in public schools in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia and Lisbon.
The Foundation created this programme specifically to provide personalised support, guidance and training to Community Law School pupils to help them achieve their academic goals and maximise their potential.
Six students from three schools in Madrid attended the 2022-2023 course. We also held mentoring sessions to individually assist and support each pupil.
Law Talks at Prisons is another programme specifically designed by the Foundation, providing inmates with general legal training (covering topics such as labour law, commercial law and civil law).
The Foundation organises its Support Programme for the Reintegration of Young Offenders in partnership with the Spanish Agency for the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Young Offenders of the Autonomous Region of Madrid and the Valencia Regional Department for Equality and Inclusive Policies. The scheme provides a basic training module to give children housed at young offenders institutions information and legal guidance to help prevent recidivism. The aim is to get the youths to rethink and address those behavioural issues or deficiencies underlying their antisocial behaviour and to give them sufficient social skills and resources to enable them to behave responsibly within the community.
These workshops educate and train youths and adults at risk of social exclusion to help them integrate into the employment market. They include a module providing basic legal training.
The Professor Uría Foundation works with Cáritas, Federación Española de Asociaciones de Espina Bífida e Hidrocefalia (FEBHI), Fundación Down Madrid and Fundación Capacis to provide training to their students.
In addition to the educational programmes mentioned above, our volunteers collaborate on programmes set up by other organisations, such as a course organised by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Fundación Esfera that advocates for quality employment of people with intellectual disabilities and provides training.
We also arrange specific events on matters of potential interest or benefit to our target groups, including the use of the Internet and social networks, protected-property arrangements for disabled people, and discussions on legal competence.