Pro bono (from the Latin term pro bono publico, “for the public good”) work lies at the heart of the social responsibility of lawyers. The role they play in improving the society they work in brings meaning to the profession by reconnecting it with the value of justice.
The Foundation’s pro bono work targets five priority areas: infants, youths, immigrants, prisoners and other vulnerable groups.
Our pro bono work also includes providing training through seminars and preparing legal guides for non-profit entities, along with other initiatives promoting justice, human rights and democratic values.
Lawyers from all Uría Menéndez offices provide free legal advice to non-profit entities and those with limited means. The Professor Uría Foundation promotes and oversees that process.
In the last few years, our focus has been on defending human rights, fundamentally in cases where individuals are fleeing armed conflicts or being persecuted for their ideology or religion, and in cases involving stateless minors. We also work with women and girls who are persecuted on the grounds of their gender or at risk of female genital mutilation, forced marriage or domestic violence.
The fact this type of legal advice is free does not affect its quality in any way. Uría Menéndez holds itself to the same standards of dedication and excellence as it does with any other matter.
Workshop on “Main legal considerations for NGOs and social enterprises”, in collaboration with TrustLaw. This workshop, held in Spanish, provides training on the main legal aspects that NGOs and social enterprises should bear in mind, dealing specifically with corporate, employment and tax issues, among others.
Seminar for the “Autoempleo Incorpora” programme, supported by “la Caixa” Foundation. This seminar provides legal training in a range of areas to the programme’s staff, who then help its beneficiaries (mainly people at risk of social exclusion or in vulnerable situations) support themselves through self-employment.
Human rights forum of the Actualidad Jurídica Uría Menéndez journal:
Other articles
Opinion forums
Legal guides
The Professor Uría Foundation has made available a series of documents that may be of interest to entities in the social sector. These documents are in Spanish only and can be downloaded via the links in the Documentation section.