Ethics Channel



What is the Ethics Channel?

The Professor Uría Foundation has created an Ethics Channel for reporting potential irregularities or wrongdoings. The Ethics Channel complies with Spanish Law 2/2023 of 20 February on protecting persons who report regulatory infringements and combatting corruption (commonly known as the “whistleblowing regulation”), Portuguese Law 93/2021 of 20 December (which establishes the general regime for protecting reporting persons (i.e. whistleblowers)) and the General Rules for Preventing Corruption in Portugal, approved by Portuguese Decree-Law 109-E/2021 of 9 December.

Learn more about the Ethics Channel and how it processes personal data here:



How to report a wrongdoing

Reporting persons can report an infringement or potential wrongdoing:

  1. in writing:
    - by email to; or 
    - by post to the Foundation's compliance officer at calle del Príncipe de Vergara, 187, 28002 Madrid or Praça Marquês de Pombal 12, 1250-162 Lisbon, Portugal.
  2. verbally:
    - by calling +34 914 287 611 and leaving a voicemail message; or
    - via an in-person or virtual meeting, or a conference call with the Foundation’s compliance officer at the reporting person’s request, which must take place within seven days of the compliance officer receiving the request. 

If the information being reported relates to the compliance officer in any way, the reporting person can send a copy of the communication to the Chair of the Foundation at calle del Príncipe de Vergara, 187, 28002 Madrid or Praça Marquês de Pombal 12, 1250-162 Lisbon, Portugal. The reporting person can also request a meeting with the Chair of the Foundation as per section 2.(ii) of the Professor Uría Foundation Ethics Channel Policy.

Reporting persons can report wrongdoings anonymously through the Ethics Channel, but the Professor Uría Foundation encourages them to identify themselves as this makes it easier to process reports.