
Start of the latest edition of the Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Seminar

The seventh edition of the Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Seminar, titled “Crossed Perspectives”, began on Wednesday

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Seventh edition of the Rodrigo Uría Meruéndando Art Law Seminar

The seminar is organised by the Professor Uría Foundation together with the General Directorate for Cultural Heritage

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Professor Uría Foundation launches a new edition of the Community Law School programme in Madrid and Barcelona

The Community Law School programme is designed to introduce primary and secondary school students on how the law promotes

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Professor Uría Foundation receives award for Social Work in Prisons

The Ministry of the Interior, through the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions and at the request of the Soto del

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Workshop: key legal issues for NGOs and social enterprises

The workshops that the Professor Uría Foundation, Uría Menéndez and TrustLaw organise every autumn covering the most

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New edition of the Ibero-American Art Law Yearbook

The Ibero-American Art Law Yearbook published by the Professor Uría Foundation addresses the main developments in the field

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Uría Menéndez wins award for pro bono work coordinated by the Professor Uría Foundation

This award recognises the work of a large team led by José Alberto Navarro that managed to obtain Spanish citizenship

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The sixth edition of the Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano Art Law Seminar has drawn to a close

This edition of the seminar focused on the legal framework applicable to museums and on their business models and action

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